Artists Low Interest and Brother Brain did an incredible job blending famous movies scenes and posters with their NES reproductions. It’s crazy ...

Think You’re A Real Man’s Man? This Test Will Be The Judge.
We guys like to compare our manliness, but how manly are we really? Luckily for us, Usvsth3m now gives us the chance to find out. Want to know if you ...

Judging By The Pictures, These Fails Must Have Hurt Badly…Or Did They?
I’m always amazed at how incredibly talented some people are, and after watching the entire portfolio of photographer Kerry Skarbakka I can cert...

Ottoman Art Used To Recreate Famous Movies Scenes. Simply Beautiful.
Artist Murat Palta once had this crazy idea of reproducing a famous movie scene using the Ottoman art. By doing so, he created awesomeness in the form...

15 Of The Best Failed Cosplays
When it comes to cosplaying, some people just seem to have it better than others. I know, I know, it always starts with a good intention. When it goes...